“The eyes of a lady has seen much, it only takes the understanding of a good friend to look into those eyes and see what she’s been through.”

Kindly appreciate this lovely free verse.

A fair maiden once saw I
With captivating features and an arresting figure.
Transfixed I was as I stood
To watch the stories that played
From the windows to her soul.

They told me tales of joy and laughter
I read also the memories of peace and fulfillment,
Echoes of hidden fear I could hear
And the determination of a young heart
All from the windows to her soul.

I could see scars from trials faced
The elation of battles won.
I could feel the energy of a young love
The sorrow that came off a Love once lost
Glaring from the windows to her soul.

I glimpsed tenacity, wisdom and a peace so celestial,
I felt shivers
I saw the faith and hope
For a brighter future
Still from the windows to her soul.

I saw fire and ice
I saw sorrow and joy
I saw curiosity and wisdom
Yes – I saw within
As I gazed up her brown eyes – the windows to her soul.



Writing is beyond mere ideas…Proudly Instincts!